critical illness

Critical illness insurance

Being faced with the diagnosis of a critical illness can be devastating. With Critical Illness Insurance you can focus on the important things – getting the best health care. Get a quote in minutes now or you can contact an Ontario Blue Cross licensed Insurance Broker today for more information.

Today many critical illnesses are curable or at the very least can be controlled. Be sure you are protected for unexpected financial burdens during these trying times.

We offer coverage of up to $2 million dollars for 24 critical illnesses and two non-critical illnesses.

This program comes with many special features including a Premium Return and Waiver of Premiums option to cover your premiums in the event of disability.

For more information on this product including benefits, eligibility and special features please refer to the pdf below or contact your Blue Cross insurance broker for information and a quotation.

See pdf for more details
Consult the Definitions of the critical and non-critical illnesses

Cover yourself and your family with critical illness insurance designed to cover today’s major critical illnesses such as stroke, cancer, coronary artery bypass surgery, heart attack and kidney failure.

This plan offers coverage of up to $2 million dollars for 5 critical illnesses as well as a return of premium option.

For more information on this product including benefits, eligibility and special features please refer to the pdf below or contact your Blue Cross insurance broker for information and a quotation.

See pdf for more details
Consult the Definitions of the critical and non-critical illnesses

A unique plan designed specifically to provide insurance for children, with a lump sum benefit plus a number of extra benefits designed to provide additional coverage for active children such as Accidental Fracture, Accidental Death and Accidental Loss of Use.

This insurance plan offers protection for children and grandchildren as young as 30 days old and covers 29 critical illnesses and 2 non-critical illnesses. It also includes many conditions for which children are especially susceptible to such as autism, diabetes, cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy.

Coverage is available up to $1 million dollars with additional options for Automatic Benefit Increase and Refund of Premium

For more information on this product including benefits, eligibility and special features please refer to the pdf below or contact your Blue Cross insurance broker for information and a quotation.

See pdf for more details
Consult the Definitions of the critical and non-critical illnesses

This unique insurance plan automatically starts to transition your Critical Illness insurance coverage into Long-term Care coverage at age 55.

It offers coverage of up to $2 million dollars for 24 critical illnesses and two non-critical illnesses. Then transitions into Long-term Care insurance with a maximum benefit of up to $10,000 per month in a long-term care facility with the option to add homecare coverage.

By purchasing a Critical Illness Hybrid coverage, you plan today for the long-term care you’ll need tomorrow.

For more information on this product including benefits, eligibility and special features please refer to the pdf below or contact your Blue Cross insurance broker for information and a quotation.

See pdf for more details

Fast and easy to apply for with only a short health declaration to complete this plan provides up to $50,000 in coverage for stroke, cancer, coronary artery bypass surgery, heart attack and kidney failure.

In addition this plan also provides additional coverage for things such as home modification, assistance, medical related travel expenses out-of-country and childcare.

For more information on this product including benefits, eligibility and special features please refer to the pdf below or contact your Blue Cross insurance broker for information and a quotation.

See pdf for more details